You are here: Purchasing > Goods Received Notes > Warehouse Receiving > Warehouse Transfer Outwards

Warehouse Transfer Outwards

The source warehouse purchase order details are displayed in the Source No. field. Warehouse Transfer Inwards form are updated into the Receive-Ins grid.

Field Description
Transfer No Allocated automatically when the form is created and saved when the warehouse purchase order is committed
From Warehouse Warehouse the stock is being requested from
To Warehouse Requesting warehouse
In Transit Is populated automatically from the warehouse purchase order. Can also be selected after the form is created
Created By User who created the warehouse purchase order
Source No. Source warehouse purchase order. Drill down is available on this field
Picked By Information is updated automatically when the Warehouse Transfer system setting EnablePicking is ticked and the form is committed
Transfer Date Date of the transfer - can be manually changed
Receive-Ins Where an In Transit warehouse is used, creating warehouse transfer inwards forms based on the outwards form are updated into this grid. Drill down to the source documents is available


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